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Talkmobile vs EE: which network's better to switch to?

Talkmobile vs EE

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We compare the mobile coverage, 5G/4G data speeds, and extra features like WiFi calling you get on Talkmobile and EE to help you decide. Last updated: 10th July 2024

In our Talkmobile vs EE guide

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Mobile network quality: EE vs Talkmobile

Coverage on Talkmobile vs EE

Which provider has more widespread 5G/4G/3G/2G signal?

Talkmobile and EE logo with signal bars

Talkmobile better for calls, EE better for 4G data signal

Now with 4G signal

Check their map

at talkmobile.co.uk
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EE run and operate on their own network while Talkmobile are a smaller provider that use Vodafone’s network for signal. Both networks have their advantages and disadvantages for signal.

Talkmobile are the winner for call signal (3G/2G). They’re on the joint-largest network for calls, while call signal on EE is a bit less widespread. Indoor call signal also tends to be more of a weakness on EE.

It’s the opposite story for 4G data signal, as EE have the most widespread 4G of all networks. Talkmobile use the second largest 4G network, but you’re more likely to lose 4G as you move around with them than on EE.

We’d say EE’s better 4G gives them the edge here, as 4G gives you better speeds and can also be used for calls (read more). In any case, it’s worth checking signal near you on both networks before joining either.

Useful link: EE’s coverage map | Talkmobile’s coverage map

EE have 5G live in more locations than Talkmobile

A map of EE's 5G coverage

See 5G upgrades

at ee.co.uk
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Both networks provide 5G on all of their plans. In terms of the sheer number of locations, Talkmobile have 5G live in 160+ UK towns and cities while EE claim to have it live in 336+ UK towns and cities.

But that doesn’t tell the whole story. First, EE only claim a location as covered once 5G is available in 50% of its area. That means their number of covered locations is actually higher than they claim.

In terms of covering their locations, EE tend to provide more widespread 5G. Talkmobile provide decent coverage in their locations, but it’s largely restricted to the most popular areas.

So not only are you more likely to get 5G near you on EE, but you’re more likely to stay on 5G as you move around in locations where it’s live on both. But it’s still worth checking coverage on both networks here.

Useful link: Best networks for 5G coverage and speeds

Use their coverage checkers

Check at home, at work and anywhere else you use your phone

Talkmobile coverage map

Talkmobile coverage map

Check Talkmobile signal

using their official checker
(opens in new window)

EE coverage map

EE coverage map

Check EE signal

using their official checker
(opens in new window)

Alternative coverage checkers

Independent coverage checkers

Use OpenSignal checker

Our verdict on coverage:

A close win for EE

“In our eyes, it’s more important for a network to offer better 4G data signal as it provides better speeds than 3G and you’ll be on it more often than 5G. As such, EE just take this one, despite Talkmobile’s better call signal. EE’s better 5G is the cherry on top.”

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How 4G/5G speeds compare on Talkmobile vs EE

Which provider has the faster 4G/5G data speeds?

Talkmobile and EE logos with speedometer

4G data speeds are much faster on EE than Talkmobile

EE fastest network award

Read their guide

at EE.co.uk
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There are no built in speed caps on Talkmobile, meaning you get the same 4G data speeds as you would on their hosts. Most of EE’s SIM only plans offer full speeds, but some of their cheaper plans do have speed caps.

But if you’re on a full speed plan you’ll get typical 4G speeds around 40 Mbps on EE according to Opensignal’s latest report. They also measured typical 4G speeds of 27.9 Mbps on Talkmobile’s hosts.

That doesn’t tell the whole story, however. We tested both networks in real life and got speeds up to 110 Mbps on Talkmobile and 130+ Mbps on EE in the city. In rural areas speeds went down to 5 Mbps on both.

So EE are consistently the faster 4G network, but it’s important to make sure your plan doesn’t have speed caps if you want the fastest speeds possible. That’s something you don’t have to worry about on Talkmobile.

Useful link: Read our full Talkmobile review

5G speeds are faster on Talkmobile than on EE

Our Network Upgrades

Their 5G guide

at talkmobile.co.uk
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We use results from independent network testers Opensignal and Speedtest by Ookla to see what typical and peak 5G data speeds look like on both networks.

They measured typical 5G speeds between 99.5 Mbps - 108.91 Mbps on EE, with peak speeds up to 272.77 Mbps. On Talkmobile’s hosts, speeds sat between a healthier 114.3 Mbps - 146.19 Mbps, with peaks of 315.35 Mbps.

So if you’re a gamer, filesharer or any other kind of user that needs the fastest speeds possible, Talkmobile are the better choice. They’re not the fastest of all networks, but their speeds are still impressive.

And you get full speed 5G on all of Talkmobile’s plans, while on some EE plans you won’t be able to get the best speeds possible. In all, Talkmobile take this one handily.

Useful link: Our guide to the best 5G networks for speeds and coverage

Our verdict on 5G/4G speeds:

Depends on your plan

“We would usually say that EE’s faster 4G speeds gives them a slight edge here. But the fact that you only get full speed 4G on some EE plans, which tend to be their higher end ones, sours it for us. Talkmobile’s better 5G speeds and full speed 4G on all plans earns them a draw here.”

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WiFi calling / 4G calling on EE vs Talkmobile

Which provider has the better features for keeping you connected?

Talkmobile and EE logo with WiFi calling

EE have better WiFi calling and more network features

WiFi calling

See supported devices

at EE.co.uk
(opens in new window)

You can run into indoor calling blackspots on both networks, so it’s good they both offer WiFi calling and 4G calling. These let you connect to calls using WiFi and 4G signal instead of conventional call signal.

Both support SMS texting over WiFi and 4G. But only EE let you transfer from a WiFi call to a 4G call without it dropping and have a longer list of supported devices so you’re more likely to get it working with EE.

On top of that, EE offer access to their network of free WiFi hotspots on the Underground on all their plans. This is handy for staying connected where you’d otherwise get no signal. Talkmobile don’t offer any.

Both networks offer call forwarding, letting you divert incoming calls to another number. But only EE offer visual voicemail and eSIMs between them. So overall, EE easily take the win here.

Useful link: Our guide to the best WiFi calling schemes

Our verdict on WiFi calling:

Win for EE

“EE have a better WiFi calling scheme than Talkmobile, offer handy WiFi hotspots on the Underground and have a few other nice extra features that Talkmobile don’t. EE easily win here.”

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Perks and benefits on EE vs Talkmobile

Roaming on Talkmobile and EE

Which network is better for taking your SIM abroad?

Talkmobile and EE logos with globe

Only Talkmobile offer inclusive EU roaming between them

Going abroad 41 destinations

See EU countries

at talkmobile.co.uk
(opens in new window)

Between the two networks, only Talkmobile offer inclusive EU roaming on all their plans. That means you can use your plan in these 41 EU/EEA destinations without paying anything extra.

You can use up to 5GB of your data allowance while there. That should be enough for most users, but heavy data users might find it restrictive. If you go over that you can buy a data booster to tide you over.

Talkmobile don’t offer inclusive roaming beyond the EU. So if you’re going further afield you’ll pay per min, text and data at these hefty rates. That will add up quickly, so it’s best to keep an eye on your usage.

In all, Talkmobile’s EU roaming will be good enough for most users and we appreciate the fact that they still include it at no extra cost.

Useful link: Our guide to the best EU roaming networks

EE only offer inclusive roaming on premium plans

Inclusive roaming on EE

See latest destinations

at EE.co.uk
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EE don’t offer inclusive EU roaming on their regular pay monthly plans. Instead, you can take their Roam Abroad pass as an extra on one of their premium All Rounder or Full Works plans.

With this extra you can roam in these EU destinations without paying for each day you’re there. If you’re just on a regular plan it will cost you £2 a day to roam in their EU destinations.

Their Roam Abroad pass also lets you roam in the USA, Canada, Mexico, Australia and New Zealand. Beyond that you can take a Travel Data Pass which gives you a small daily allowance for a daily cost.

In all, EE can be a decent option for roaming beyond the EU. But most people will care about not spending a lot to roam in the EU and only Talkmobile offer that between the two. So we give Talkmobile the win here.

Useful link: EE’s guide to their Roam Abroad extra

Our verdict on roaming:

Talkmobile win

“Talkmobile’s scheme is really nice for short trips to the EU, while EE don’t offer inclusive roaming on most plans and only offer it at a premium cost. EE’s worldwide roaming is decent but overly complicated and still very expensive. Talkmobile take this one.”

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Better benefits on EE

What do you get on EE that you don’t on Talkmobile?

Talkmobile and EE logos with a greater than logo

EE’s group plan discounts are brilliant for families

Introducing data gifting

How it works

at EE.co.uk
(opens in new window)

EE give you extra benefits for having your family’s SIM only plans under one account. You get a massive 30% off all plans you add to your existing EE account (excluding your own plan).

That comes with the added convenience of being able to manage all your plans in the same place. So you can easily set parental controls on your kids’ plans or manage your data add-ons.

You can gift data to the other users on your account if they’re running low. You won’t be charged for your kids going over their allowance with EE’s Stay Connected data, but it’s handy to give them the best speeds.

On top of that, EE give you a 1GB data boost for each user you add to your account. Overall, it’s a really good scheme that helps make up for their higher costs somewhat if you’re looking to get your kids on a plan.

Useful link: Our guide to the best family plan schemes

EE’s Inclusive Extras are nice for premium users

People sitting consuming media

How they work

at EE.co.uk
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EE offer few extra benefits called Inclusive Extras if you take a premium plan. Their All Rounder plans give you one extra, while their Full Works give you three while generally being more expensive per month.

You can choose a subscription to Netflix, TNT Sports or one of these Apple services. Or you can take their Roam Abroad pass or an Entertainment Data Pass for unlimited streaming data on these apps.

Those can definitely make joining on a premium plan a bit more appealing, especially if you’ll make good use out of those benefits. If not, you might just be better off on a regular plan.

On top of those benefits, EE offer free trials to Apple Music and Apple News+ and to Apple TV+ if you order an iPhone. These may give you a bit of extra value, but they benefit Apple users more than Android users.

Useful link: EE’s guide to their Inclusive Extras

Better benefits on Talkmobile

What do Talkmobile offer that EE don’t?

Talkmobile and EE logos greater than logo

Talkmobile offer a lot more flexibility on their plans

Talkmobile ID check

Read their terms

at talkmobile.co.uk
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One of the best things about joining Talkmobile is the flexibility of their 1-month SIM only contracts. This lets you switch plans or leave Talkmobile altogether whenever you want, as long as you give 30 days notice.

That’s not something you can do on most EE plans, and their 1-month contracts are very expensive. And Talkmobile don’t make you pass a credit check, which is good if you’ve got a poor or no credit history.

And you can set a spending cap in flexible £1 increments from £0 - £100. EE’s spending caps are less flexible and could lead to you spending more than you want, while there isn’t a big risk of this on Talkmobile.

Talkmobile’s best value plans are their 12-month contracts which are less flexible, so it is a bit of a trade off of cost for flexibility. But their 1-month plans are still much better value than any of EE’s plans.

Useful link: See all of Talkmobile’s 1-month SIM only contracts

Our verdict on extra benefits:

Depends on what you want

“Your choice between the two networks really comes down to how much you want to spend. We think lots of users will appreciate the extra flexibility and lower cost of Talkmobile’s plans, but premium users might prefer what they get out of EE. It really depends on what you want.”

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Comparing pricing, offers and deals

SIM only on Talkmobile and EE

How do SIM only prices compare on both networks?

Talkmobile and EE logos with a SIM card



1p Mobile logo
Three logo
ASDA logo
Coop Mobile logo
EE logo
giffgaff logo
Honest logo
ID logo
Lebara logo
Lycamobile logo
O2 logo
Sky logo
spusu logo
Talkhome logo
Talkmobile logo
Tesco logo
Vodafone logo
VOXI logo


Data: (0MB+)

Minutes: (0+)


Maximum length: (Any)

Added features

Our verdict on SIM only pricing:

Talkmobile win

"It’s pretty much night and day here. Talkmobile are generally one of the best value networks in the UK, while EE tend to be one of the more expensive. It’s still worth checking their special offers below, but Talkmobile offer better value most of the time."

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Special offers running on Talkmobile and EE

A quick look at the promotions running on both networks this month

Talkmobile and EE logos with a promotional sticker

Phone contracts on EE vs Talkmobile

Which network offers the better phone contracts?

EE and Talkmobile logos with smartphone icon

Phone options


Apple logo
Samsung logo
Alcatel logo
CAT logo
Doro logo
Emporia logo
Fairphone logo
Google logo
Honor logo
Huawei logo
IMO logo
Microsoft logo
Moto logo
Nokia logo
Nothing logo
OnePlus logo
Oppo logo
realme logo
Sony logo
TCL logo
Vivo logo
Xiaomi logo
OS box
Features box


Upfront: (Any upfront cost)

Monthly: (Any monthly cost)


Length: (6 - 36 months only)

Data: (Any)



Three logo
EE logo
giffgaff logo
ID logo
O2 logo
Sky logo
Talkmobile logo
Tesco logo
Virgin Mobile logo
Vodafone logo
VOXI logo
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Only EE let you join a phone contract directly

Talkmobile phone contracts

How to upgrade

at talkmobile.co.uk
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Between the two networks, only EE let you join on a phone contract directly. Talkmobile have an odd scheme where you can only upgrade to a phone contract after being on a SIM only plan for a while.

EE offer lots of new and old phone models on finance agreements (essentially loans) which split the cost of paying back your phone and your usage plan (mins, texts, data) into separate payments.

They let you choose a contract length of 24 or 36 months to suit your budget. But if you want to upgrade to a new phone before that you can pay off the remaining cost of your phone whenever to do so.

Talkmobile’s scheme can be good if you have a poor credit history, but the quickest way to get one of their phone deals is via resellers like Fonehouse. They can offer a better deal than EE, so they’re worth a look.

Useful link: EE’s full range of phone contracts

Our verdict on phone contracts:

EE win

"Talkmobile’s upgrade scheme is decent for users with poor credit history, but EE will be the better choice for those who want to join right away. Joining Talkmobile via a third party can be good, but we can’t give them credit for that. EE take this one."

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