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We look at the details of Sky's phone contract and SIM only offers this month, especially if you're an existing Sky TV customer Last updated: 17th June 2024
Order by 30th June and you can get some really low starting prices on Sky's SIM only plans. They've made the deals below half price for the length of your contract:
It's worth knowing though that the price only applies for your first 12 months. Once your contract's up, you'll probably want to re-compare as the price will double at that point.
Useful link: See all Sky's SIM only plans
There's quite a few offers running all at the same time on Sky's phone contracts this month, including their lowest ever price on Samsung Galaxy S4 Ultra, iPhone 15 Pro Max and Google Pixel 8 Pro.
But you can also get a useful half price data plan with any phone listed in their range here for your first 12 months, saving between £60 and £180 depending on the plan you choose.
It's worth understanding Sky's phone deals are made up for a payment for your phone and another for your minutes, texts and data (the SIM for the phone). The 12 months half price applies to the SIM element.
All offers are due to end 30th June.
Useful link: See Sky's full range of phones
Watching videos on the go is usually one of the fastest ways to use up your data, so might previously have avoided doing it. To help with this, Sky offer unlimited data for streaming their TV apps on the go.
It’s called Sky Mobile Watch and we went over this generous benefit in our review here. Think of it like having a separate unlimited data SIM to use with Sky’s TV apps next to your regular allowance.
And you even get it on every one of their SIM only deals, even their cheapest one:
Being a Sky TV and Sky Mobile customer means you can use your home TV package on the go and keep up with your favourite shows without having to worry about your data. So joining on mobile squeezes more value out of being a TV customer.
Useful link: Read Sky's full guide to unlimited streaming
Companies want to keep their customers loyal, so they want customers to join on mobile, TV and on broadband deals where possible. It makes sure customers keep renewing their products so they can hang on to the benefits they get for staying.
However you can also make this work for you as the customer. Buying more of their products means you’re more valuable to Sky as a customer, which you can use as a way of negotiating a better deal when you renew.
You could tell them you’ll leave your Sky Mobile contract while negotiating the cost of renewing your other products, using it as leverage to get better value for your broadband or TV/broadband deal.
Useful link: More about Sky's 5G
✔ Each service has its own bill
Sky bill you separately for your Sky Mobile, TV and broadband deals, which makes it easier to manage how much you’re spending on your mobile deal.
These separate bills can all be found using My Sky, letting you keep on top of them all in one place using one log in.
Your SIM only or phone contract is made on a completely separate direct debit from your other Sky products.
We think this is a good way of doing things. It helps you better manage your extra spending and usage. You’ll likely use a different amount of data each month, so it’s helpful to be able to see how much you’re using.
Useful link: See costs outside your Sky Mobile plan.
✔ Store unused data for up to 3 years!
Not only do you get the exclusive benefits of being a Sky TV or broadband customer, you also get all the other benefits that every Sky Mobile customer gets.
First of all you get your own data “piggybank” with Sky Mobile. Any data you don’t use in a month goes into your piggybank, letting you keep it for up to 3 years! You can withdraw data in 1GB increments whenever you want.
And if you’ve got other users on your account you can share this data with them. This can help if your child constantly goes over their data allowance and is a way around accidental overspending on data. It’s a bit like a Family plan.
Sky also let you change the amount of minutes, texts and data you get with your plan every month, even though all of them are on 12-month contracts.
Useful link: Read our full Sky Mobile review
How Sky's phone contracts stack up on price
Upfront: (Any upfront cost)
Monthly: (Any monthly cost)
How Sky's plans stack up on price
Data: (0MB+)
Minutes: (0+)