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As O2 are now owned by Virgin Media, we look at whether you're better off joining Virgin Mobile or O2 for coverage, speeds and benefits. Last updated: 5th January 2022
Do Virgin or O2 have better reception?
O2 are one of the main UK networks, meaning they can provide signal without relying on another network. However, Virgin now use O2’s network to provide signal, meaning you get identical coverage on both.
Virgin get the same coverage for calls and texts (3G/2G) as their hosts. O2 are the joint-best network for call signal alongside Virgin’s previous hosts Vodafone, so not much has changed for Virgin for calls.
For 4G, Virgin also share identical coverage to O2. That does mean rural 4G is now a bit less widespread on Virgin than on their previous hosts Vodafone. But 4G signal is generally strong in towns and cities on O2.
Before joining either network we recommend using their coverage checkers to see if they provide decent signal in your area. Check at home, on your commute or anywhere else you’ll use your phone.
Useful links: Our full O2 network review | Our full Virgin Mobile review
You now get 5G as standard on all Virgin Mobile and all O2 pay monthly plans (SIM only and phone deals). Be sure to choose it in the checkout when buying from O2 to get the right SIM.
Last time we checked O2 had 5G live in a huge 750+ UK towns and cities. You’ll get 5G in those same locations on Virgin Mobile. But coverage is still only on a street-by-street basis, so how do the two compare?
In our tests we found that O2 have got better at covering their locations over time. You’ll now typically get it in most of a location’s area, not just in the most populated areas. But this does depend per location.
While O2 and Virgin have 5G in more UK towns and cities, it’s best to check whether you get 5G in your area using their coverage checkers below.
Useful link: O2’s guide to their 5G rollout
Use these to check everywhere you take your phone
“Virgin offer identical 3G/4G/5G coverage to their network hosts O2. Your choice between the two should come down to cost per GB of their plans and the extra benefits either network offer.”
There are no speed caps or any built-in speed differences on Virgin Mobile vs being on O2. That means that network testers Opensignal’s speed results apply to both networks.
Their most recent report shows typical O2 download speeds of 16.8 Mbps over 4G. That makes them the slowest network for 4G. But you shouldn’t notice it too much when browsing the internet.
To see how the independent testers got their results we tested speeds in real life. We got speeds up to an impressive 95 Mbps in the city centre, but speeds went as low as 5 Mbps in rural areas on both networks.
So, the speeds you get with Virgin and O2 depend heavily on where you use your phone. Their typical speeds are good enough for most people, but if you need faster speeds you might want to consider other networks.
Useful link: O2’s guide to their 4G
Just like with 4G, Virgin provide the same 5G speeds as O2. That means the results from independent network testers Opensignal and Speedtest by Ookla apply to both networks.
Virgin and O2 include 5G on all their plans. Here are their best value deals in our eyes:
Both testers’ latest reports showed typical 5G speeds between 80.57 Mbps - 92.3 Mbps. Compared to other networks’ 5G O2 look quite sluggish, but you can get peak speeds up to 214.2 Mbps with them.
We think O2’s slower speeds are a result of them rapidly expanding their 5G, which means a lot of people are using their 5G on the fringes of coverage rather than in places where signal is strongest.
But in any case, these speeds are a big improvement over 4G and are more than fast enough to stream HD videos or even download movies in seconds.
Useful link: O2’s guide to their 5G
“Since there are no speed caps on Virgin, there’s no difference in the speeds you’ll get on either network. We go into their prices and benefits further down, which should help you decide between them.”
Even though both networks broadcast on frequencies that are decent for getting through buildings, your indoor signal might still suffer on both. This is where WiFi calling comes in handy.
Both networks offer WiFi calling and 4G calling. WiFi calling lets your phone connect to calls using WiFi signal if call signal is weak. 4G calling lets your phone use 4G signal (instead of just 2G/3G) for calls which improves coverage.
O2’s WiFi calling supports more phones and won’t drop your call when moving from WiFi to 4G signal. Virgin’s supported phone list is disappointingly short and you’ll find your call dropping when you lose WiFi connection.
It’s notable that Virgin let you send SMS messages over WiFi, but in testing we found we couldn’t receive them over WiFi signal. O2 don’t support this at all, so it’s one thing that Virgin’s WiFi calling has over O2’s.
Useful link: Our best network choices for WiFi calling
Both Virgin Mobile and O2 offer free WiFi hotspot provisions for their customers, but Virgin have by far the larger hotspot network of the two. You’ll get access to over 4.3+ million hotspots on any Virgin Mobile plan.
You’ll just have to download their Virgin Media Connect app after buying your plan. Then, whenever you’re in range you’ll be automatically logged in for free. This helps you save your data on the go.
On the other hand, O2 offer a more moderate 15,000+ hotspots across the UK. But, anyone with a phone can connect to these. The only exclusive benefit you get from being on O2 is that you can be logged into 7000 of these automatically.
Both networks get you WiFi access on the London Underground. But with Virgin you’ll have a better chance staying connected on the go. O2’s WiFi provision is good, but Virgin’s is a couple steps ahead of them.
Useful link: Our favourite networks for free WiFi
“We couldn’t separate the two on network features as it really depends what you want. If you need a good WiFi calling feature you’re better off with O2, if you want hotspots you’re better off with Virgin.”
Data rollover is a feature where the data you don’t use from one month will be added to your data allowance for your next month. Between O2 and Virgin, only Virgin offer it on their pay monthly plans.
It’s pretty standard for networks that do offer data rollover to offer it for only a month, and this is the case with Virgin Mobile. If you don’t use your “rolled-over” data in the next month it will disappear.
However, you shouldn’t need to worry as you’ll automatically use your rolled-over data before your new monthly allowance. If you keep losing your rolled over data, you’d be better off with a smaller data plan.
It would be nice to see Virgin do something a bit different to stand out, but there’s also merit in having a simple system that works. It’s a good scheme and that’s all that needs to be said.
Useful link: Full ins and outs of Virgin’s data rollover
Unfortunately, O2 don’t offer data rollover on their pay monthly plans, but they do offer it on pay as you go. We think it’d be more appealing on pay monthly, as that’s the more common type of plan people are using these days.
O2 offer their pay as you go scheme with “Big Bundles”, which get you unlimited minutes and texts with a data bundle without being tied to a contract.
Since you’re not on a monthly contract, your unused data can be rolled over for multiple months. But, O2 do set a cap on how much data can be rolled over. It’s usually the same amount as the bundle you took (10GB bundle = 10GB cap).
If you switch data bundles then you’ll lose your rolled over data. You’ll also have to make sure to renew your bundle on the same day it expires otherwise you’ll lose it. It’s not an amazing scheme, but not a terrible one either.
Useful link: O2’s FAQs page on their Big Bundles
“Virgin’s data rollover scheme is similar to O2’s. But since more people are on pay monthly plans than pay as you go, Virgin’s is more likely to benefit more customers.”
To draw in as many customers as possible, networks will sometimes offer discounts for extra users added onto one main account. This mainly helps families who want to keep all their plans under one roof.
O2 offer a flat 20% off added SIM only plans and off the usage (minutes, texts, data) of phone contracts. Bear in mind this only applies to the added users and not to the main account holder.
In order to get the benefit you’ll have to have an O2 account with a SIM only or phone contract and then register another contract which the discount can be applied to. It can only be applied within 28 days of taking that extra contract.
The only drawbacks are that it’s a bit fiddly to apply the discount (other networks just let you do it in the checkout) and O2’s plans are already expensive. While you can add up to 20 contracts, this is subject to your credit history.
Useful link: Read O2’s FAQs on their Multisave scheme
Virgin Mobile are no longer as good as they used to be for parents looking to get their family onto a single account. This is because they don’t offer their family plan discount any more.
It used to get customers £2 off the monthly cost of up to 4 extra SIM only plans. It was one of our favourite schemes for the sheer amount of money off you could get (£24 per year for each plan).
The main downside was that it only applied for Virgin broadband or TV customers, where other family plans like SMARTY’s or even O2’s give you a discount on added plans without needing any other services.
In any case, they might reintroduce this scheme at some point. If we do we’ll keep this page updated. But for now O2 win by default here.
Useful link: Virgin’s Family SIM FAQs
“O2’s scheme is great for making O2’s prices a bit more appealing without needing to subscribe to another service to benefit. It’s a win by default for O2, but still a very big win considering how good their scheme is.”
With some networks now removing inclusive EU roaming, it’s nice to see that O2 have kept theirs in place. You can travel to 48 EU destinations where you can use your regular UK plan with no extra cost.
While you’re abroad you’ll be limited to 25GB a month, but we’d say this is more than enough for the average user.
They also include 27 worldwide destinations (notable ones include Australia and the US) in their “Inclusive Zone.” Here you can roam, but with a limited usage amount. You get 120 minutes, 120 texts and 150MB full speed data.
There’s actually no usage cap on how much data you can use in the Inclusive Zone, but it will be severely speed capped. Once you hit your regular allowance you’ll start paying at these rates.
It’s a scheme that we rate quite highly. You can use it for short trips across the channel or for long haul journeys to the other side of the world.
Useful link: See O2’s full guide to their Travel Inclusive Zone
Virgin Mobile have also kept their EU roaming in place. But they have a fiddly fair usage policy that limits how much of your regular allowance you can use while abroad depending on the size of your plan.
You can use their calculator here to work out how much you can use abroad. For mid-range data plans it’s usually around half of your allowance, but for larger plans you’ll only get around 15GB to use abroad.
There’s also no worldwide roaming on Virgin and using your plan somewhere like the US can become unusably expensive (see rates here).
Virgin are a good enough choice for small trips to the EU, but you’ll really have to reign in your data usage while there. It’s definitely not one of our favourite schemes.
Useful link: Check Virgin Mobile roaming destinations
“Virgin’s fair usage policy really hamstrings it. With O2 you’ll have more data to use while in the EU and you even have a bit of leeway to travel beyond the EU. A fairly clear win for O2 here.”
Do Virgin or O2 offer more?
Virgin let you use Whatsapp, Messenger and Twitter out and about without eating into your data allowance with their free unlimited social media data offered on all of their plans.
They are on our list of networks that give you free streaming or social media data. It’s a similar idea to VOXI’s unlimited social media data benefit, but VOXI’s covers far more than just messaging apps.
When you send a message, download a file on Whatsapp or Messenger you won’t eat into your data. But calls will use data. With Twitter you can scroll, tweet and watch videos without using data if you stay in the app.
The main benefit here is Twitter, but you’ll save a fair bit with the other apps too, especially if you’re out and about a lot.
Useful link: Full terms and conditions
Generally the major networks want to give their customers a reason to stick with them and put up with the pricier deals. So, O2 offer their Priority Rewards scheme to help sweeten the deal.
If you haven’t heard of it, Priority gives O2 customers a set of discounts, special offers and freebies for shopping, food and drink and other services and experiences.
You also get first priority for purchasing tickets for events and gigs that are hosted at O2 sponsored venues before non-O2 customers and you can get preferential treatment at these venues (see what's on offer here).
It can get you some nice value and genuinely save you money. But we don’t think it’ll be anyone’s number one reason for joining O2. At most it’s just nice to have.
Useful link: See O2's full list of Priority perks
To help justify the higher price tag that comes with getting on a major network provider, O2 offer one free limited-time subscription. Generally the more expensive your plan, the longer your free trial will be.
You can get between a one month or six months free trial of Disney+ or even an up to 12 months free Amazon Prime subscription. on certain plans. Or you can choose a free trial of Apple Music for up to six months.
Check what you get with your plan before buying. You don’t get any free subscriptions on 30-day contracts. But O2 make it pretty transparent what you’re getting when you select your plan.
If you’re dead set on getting one of these subscriptions, then going with O2 can save you a decent amount on your subscription. But make sure to cancel if you don’t want to keep paying for them after the trial is up.
Useful link: Read O2’s terms and conditions for their Extras
"While the free subscriptions you get on O2 are nice, we hesitate to call them freebies as you pay more to get more. O2 Priority is good but not always useful. Virgin’s benefit will always save you data on any plan you choose."
Can you get a cheaper SIM on Virgin or O2?
Data: (0MB+)
Minutes: (0+)
What promotions do Virgin and O2 have currently?
Which offers the best phone contracts?
Upfront: (Any upfront cost)
Monthly: (Any monthly cost)
O2 call their phone contracts “Refresh” and they base these on credit agreements (basically loaning you the phone with the expectation that you’ll be able to pay them back). See their full guide here.
The advantage of this over a regular contract is that you can pay off the cost of your phone early, letting you upgrade before your contract is up. If you want the newest phone then this flexibility is essential.
They also give you the freedom to choose your contract length between 3 and 36 months, choose a data plan between 2GB and 100GB and pay as much upfront as you want. You can really suit your plan to your budget.
The big downside is that because it’s a financial agreement it could be harder for you to get accepted for one of these contracts if you have any small blips on your credit history.
Useful link: Read more about their custom plans
Virgin Mobile offer a similar sort of phone deal to O2, but with lower prices coming at the cost of less flexibility. You get one payment for your phone and another for your usage that comes together to make your monthly bill.
They call this “Freestyle” and it lets you choose either to take a 24-month contract or a 36-month contract. The overall cost of your phone will be the same, but how much you pay per month will be different between them.
You also have the flexibility to upgrade early, pay lump sums to lower your monthly payment or to switch your usage plan whenever you need to. You can also leave your data plan when your phone is paid off (with 30 day’s notice).
Again, like with O2 you could find it difficult to get accepted for a contract if you have poor credit history. Virgin may have more competitive prices, but this doesn’t mean it’s easier to get accepted.
Useful link: Compare phone contracts with us
"If you value flexibility highly, we’d say O2 are the better choice. If you want an overall better deal, Virgin are probably the better choice. It all depends on what you want."